So You’ve Spotted Some Black Mold

So You’ve Spotted Some Black Mold

Okay so you’ve seen the dreaded black mold, or least mold that is black in color. Now what? Well, there are over 100,000 specific species of molds identified so far.  Of those, there are an average of 9 sub-species, meaning that we can identify almost 1 million...

What Is Mold?

During many of the continuing education classes I teach to real estate professionals, one of the misnomers often conveyed is the assumption that mold is either a plant or an animal. This is an important assumption to sort out because here in the Portland, Oregon and...

Welcome to Our Blog

We will be updating our blog regularly with tips and tricks for you to preserve and protect your home in all types of conditions. We will have ideas for mold, water and fire damage prevention and restoration as well as odor removal. You can count on us to deliver the...